Remnant 2 – Game Reviews, Gaming News, Podcasts: PS5 | Xbox | Nintendo Switch | PC Gaming Sun, 23 Jul 2023 22:02:46 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Remnant 2 – 32 32 Podcast 527: Remnant 2, Oxenfree 2, Jagged Alliance 3 Mon, 24 Jul 2023 06:01:52 +0000 Who is Olly, anyway?

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Oxenfree 2 is out now, and Chris Hyde and Mick have been playing a lot of it to talk about it on this week’s podcast. They’ve both actually been through it more than once, so you’d have to assume they like it, right?

But there’s more, as the gang have also been playing Remnant 2 a lot as well, since Mick reviewed it, and so that’s on topic this week. Not enough big games for you? Well Mick has also played Jagged Alliance 3, so we can chat about that as well.


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Remnant 2 | How to beat Annihilation, the Final Boss Sun, 23 Jul 2023 22:00:48 +0000 It all comes down to this

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The final boss of Remnant 2 is Annihilation, a two-phase fights that’s noticeably tougher than anything you will have faced before it. It’s so tough that we recommend facing it solo, as the increased HP in co-op makes it incredibly hard. You’ll face it in Root Earth after surviving a gauntlet of bosses and Root hounds, and it will take everything you have. Read on for our guide to beating Annihilation, the final boss of Remnant 2.

The boss arena – phase one

You’ll face Annihilation initially in a large space with a glowing red hole in the centre. There are glowing circles all around the floor which will explode if you stay in them too long – so don’t. Other than that, there’s nothing remarkable about the space – oh, and there’s absolutely no cover.

Annihilation’s attacks – phase one

The boss resembles a massive Root dragon and will spend the entirety of phase one airborne. He’s massive, sure, but also hard to target because he often swoops above you. He has a ton of different attacks, and learning the tells is essential. There are so many, we’ve listed them below:

Remnant 2 Annihilation final boss

Sword slam: Annihilation will bring his huge sowrd down on the ground, dealing massive damage. It’s quite easy to dodge, but it can catch you by surprise because he sometimes initiates it from som distance away, which is disorienting.

Sword drag: Holding the hilt two-handed, he’ll drag the sword through the ground towards you. It does massive damage and can stagger or knowck you down, so time it right and dodge it.

Energy pulse: Immediately after the sword drag he will always, without fail, trigger a red energy pulse, There’s a high-pitched noise accompanying it, so dodge when you hear it. You may not see it, as he’ll usually be behind you after the sword drag.

Sword thrust: Annihilation will raise his sword and plunge it into the ground, dealing huge AoE damage and knocking you down. He does this twice.

Root grab: He’ll either follow the sword thrust with a root grab or a barrage of energy rings. If it’s the root grab, you’ll know because he will twist his sword in the ground. Roots will burst up where you are and you must dodge at the precise moment, or else mash the prompted button to break free.

Double sword sweep: After the root grab he’ll follow up with a combo of one sweep, and then a second which always has a moment of hang, making it super hard to dodge.

Energy rings: Sometimes after the Sword thrust, he’ll conjure a load of glowing energy rings. They’ll pusle for a while, and you need to destroy them. After e few moments they’ll glow and fly towards you, which is enough to one-shot you even if you’re running 160 health and 115 armour.

Remnant 2 Annihilation final boss

You must learn to dodge these attacks if you want to survive phase one. There are few things you can do to counter him, except keep shooting between his attacks. On Survivor mode he isn’t a bullet sponge, but his damage output is no joke. Keep shooting his head, which is his weak spot. He doesn’t give you much time to heal or reload. Any items you can equip that speed up consumable use are essential, and bring ammo packs with you as it’s very hard to scoop up pickups during the fight.

The boss arena – phase two

Phase two of this fight is a nightmare. Not only are you locked in a much, much smaller space, but the layout and aesthetic are incredibly disorienting. There are constant flashing lights, and you can be afflicted with Malware, which disrupts your vision and restricts skill and mod use.

Annihilation’s attacks – phase two

As with phase one, he will begin with a sword slam. It will flash red where the sword is going, so dodge as soon as it does. You’ll have a split second to move after transitioning to the new arena. It will be followed by a sweep of his sword across the screen, preceeded by a high-pitched sword schwing to help you dodge.

When he raises up and the ground flashes yellow, dodge instantly, or you’ll be staggered or knocked down and take a massive hit of the Malware Blight. He usually follows with another sword sweep, and then a grid of red crosses will appear. Duck under this as it zooms towards you. Keep shooting his head, and he’ll begin to glitch.

Now when he attacks the arena will shift back to phase one, and his sword sweep will become the Double Sword Sweep. You must be quick to dodge here. From now through the fight, he will glitch back and forth between arenas, always right as he attacks, so learning the pattern is essential to survival. Eventually in the phase two arena he will raise up and conjure a load of glowing energy rings. You must destroy these before focusing on him, as they will explode and kill you instantly.

Now repeat the dodges and only fire when you’re clear to. Healing and reloading are incredibly risky in this fight, so try not to get caught mid-heal.

Remnant 2 Annihilation final boss

The boss arena – phase three

Phase three isn’t a full phase. Annihilation will come back to life for one last scare, and all you need to do is avoid the Root hounds and stay alive. He has no health bar here, so just ride it out until the cutscene kicks in.

Well done, you’ve beaten Annihilation, the final boss of Remnant 2. Collect your Broken Compass (for the Explorer Archetype), Forgotten Memory crafting material, and Scholar Trait card, which increases experience gained.




Why not check out our other Remnant 2 guides:

Remnant 2 | How long to beat
Remnant 2 | How to play online
Remnant 2 | How to use Mutators
Remnant 2 | How to unlock a second Archetype
Remnant 2 | How to upgrade weapons
Remnant 2 | How to unlock the Ward 13 Safe
Remnant 2 | How to unlock the Losomn Asylum safe

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Remnant 2 | How to beat the Primogenitor Sun, 23 Jul 2023 21:21:05 +0000 It's a bug hunt

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The Primogenitor in Remnant 2 is the boss of the Hatchery Dungeon found in The Phantom Wasteland of N’Erud. You may not encounter it in a standard campaign playthrough, although it may sometimes be thr route you need to take to collect one of the Seeker’s Keys and to reach the Timeless Horizon area. It’s a pretty tough fight, especially early on, but luckily we’ve taken it down. Read on for our guide to defeating the Primogenitor in Remnant 2.

The boss arena

The Primogenitor is found in the deepest area of the Hatchery, surrounded by alien space crabs. The boss itself is remarkably small compared to other bosses in Remnant 2, and is actually a glowing blue space crab smaller than the Handler’s dog. However, the arena is full of giant creatures resembling Tardigrades, which it will occasionally assume control of. This makes the whole arena incredibly dangerous, especially if you roll off the main platform and find yourself in the more confined space below. If you do, climb back up and reposition yourself near a wall.

Remnant 2 Primogenitor

The Primogenitor’s attacks

While in control of one of its huge flying hosts, the Primogenitor will spit balls of cursed matter at you, inflicting Curse Blight if you stand around too long. It can’t be harmed in this state, and all you’ll do is kill the host. This is necessary though, as it will force the Primogenitor out. Once loose, it will attack you directly by leaping at you like a facehugger from Aliens. If it latches on it will deal damage and knock you down.

It will also spawn an absolute ton of adds, all small versions of the space crabs you’ve been fighting to get here. They will jump on you, slowing you and inflicting Curse build-up. Roll to remove them. Ideally you need an automatic weapon with a decent sized mag, or a heavy melee weapon. Clear them out, keep moving, and focus on the boss’s host to force it out.

Remnant 2 Primogenitor

It’s a bug hunt

Once the Primogenitor is loose, focus all your fire on it. It’s very fast, very small, and so anything that sprays or deals AoE damage is handy. Fire works incredibly well against the Primogenitor and its adds. If you’re inflicted with Curse, remove it quickly as it will remove a chunk of your health bar.

The boss doesn’t have a great deal of health, but it’s an incredibly annoying fight nonetheless. Keep moving and swatting the bugs, and you’ll evenutally defeat it, earning a Trait point and the Cracked Shell crafting material.

There you go, now you know how to take down the Primogenitor in Remnant 2.




Why not check out our other Remnant 2 guides:

Remnant 2 | How long to beat
Remnant 2 | How to play online
Remnant 2 | How to use Mutators
Remnant 2 | How to unlock a second Archetype
Remnant 2 | How to upgrade weapons
Remnant 2 | How to unlock the Ward 13 Safe
Remnant 2 | How to unlock the Losomn Asylum safe

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Remnant 2 | How to play online Sun, 23 Jul 2023 14:32:37 +0000 Jolly Cooperation!

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Whether you want to jump into a friend’s world or have them coop in yours, or you just want to enjoy Remnant 2 with randoms, you’ll need to figure out how the online works. And whilst Remnant 2’s online systems feel simpler and less clunky than other masocore titles, it still can be a little tricky to get to grips with initially.

So we’ve laid out everything you need to know to play Remnant 2 online.

Remnant 2 | How to play online

Solo Play first

Whether you like it or not, there is a story of sorts to Remnant 2, and as such there is a Prologue which acts as a tutorial for the game before the main portion of the game starts. During this section, you’ll learn the basics of the controls and gameplay, and there’s even a boss to test your training on.

You’ll need to keep playing through to your first foray around Ward 13, and then onto your adventure with Ford. Here he shows you a large Red Crystal and then disappears. After a couple more story beats, you’ll be whisked off to a world to begin your adventure. Once you’re in this new world you can begin to play online.

What to do next

The large Red Crystals are your conduits for online play. Interacting with them allows you yourself to join other players’ worlds, and they form the place where visiting players can join you too. Bear this in mind when considering online play.

To join others

To join other people, simply interact with a large Red Crystal and then you’ll be taken to the warp screen. On the bottom-right, you’ll see “Join Game”, so click that. The game will default to searching for games on your current difficulty setting. This is replicated by the skull system above the central wheel which you can amend, to cause another search to take place on that difficulty.

Around the screen will appear circular icons dictating players that are open to you joining them. Hovering over the circle will reveal who the player is, their power level and location as well as how many are in the party (maximum of three allowed).

Join a game, and you will be whisked to their world. When they next interact with the Big Red Crystal, you will appear in their world.

To have others join your world

Firstly for this, you need to make sure your online settings are adjusted accordingly. When you start up the game, and select your character, you’ll notice a bar above “Start Game” which indicates your online preference. It can be set to:

  • Offline: No one can join you
  • Friends Only: Only people on your friends list on that system may join your world
  • Public: Anyone can join you

For online play it cannot be set to “Offline”, so adjust it accordingly before starting the game. You could then have people requesting to join you at any point. If you wish to be more in control of the invitations (especially if you have someone specific you want to play with) then go to the menu, select System > Friends. From here you will see a list of your friends, and you can send them an invite to your world by clicking on the face icon.

If people then try to connect, you will get a notification and they will appear as pending in the top-left of your screen. To actually bring them into your world you need to interact with a Big Red Crystal, then they will be thrust into your world. They will be left waiting until you do this.

Note: If you are already touching a Big Red Crystal when someone joins your game, you will need to stop touching it and re-interact with it to trigger bringing the player into your world.

And that’s it, you now know how online works in Remnant 2.





Why not check out our other Remnant 2 guides:

Remnant 2 | How long to beat
Remnant 2 | How to use Mutators
Remnant 2 | How to unlock a second Archetype
Remnant 2 | How to upgrade weapons
Remnant 2 | How to unlock the Ward 13 Safe
Remnant 2 | How to unlock the Losomn Asylum safe

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Remnant 2 | How to unlock the Gunslinger Archetype Sun, 23 Jul 2023 14:19:31 +0000 Six-gun lover

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Remnant 2 is the kind of game that aims to cater to everyone’s playstyle, whether you want to push the DPS, heal your teammates, or just forge your path alone through its various post-apocalyptic worlds. Primarily, it does this with Archetypes, classes that decide your starting gear and form the backbone of any build. These character classes can completely change the way you play and prioritise certain items. One of the best in the game is the Gunslinger, a ranged DPS class that focuses on ammo reserves and increased rate of fire. Read on to find out how to unlock the Gunslinger Archetype in Remnant 2.

Remnant 2 | How to find the Gunslinger Archetype

The quickest way to unlock the Gunslinger Archetype is to pre-order Remnant 2. However, while this gives access as a starting Archetype, you will still need to unlock it if you started with one of the others. And while it’s technically very easy, it does take a while.

Remnant 2 Gunslinger

First you’ll need to finish the first world in your campaign, which means killing the first world boss and being transported to the Labyrinth. Once you’ve done that, head back to Ward 13 and go talk to Mudtooth. You’ll find him playing chess with Reggie. Now you need to get him to tell stories – and we mean all of his stories. He has around a dozen, and you’ll need to keep asking him to tell more until he says he’s run out. This takes a long, long time, even if you skip through them. Eventually he’ll just run out.

Now you need to go and play. He wouldn’t tell us any more stories until we finished our third world boss, at which point he opened up again to tell a few more. It takes less time to exhaust him than before, and when he finishes he’ll give you a Rusty Cylinder for being a good listener. Take this up to Wallace with 1500 scrap and 10 Lumenite Crystals to receive the Iron Cylinder. Equip it to unlock the Gunslinger Archetype.

What is the Gunslinger Archetype?

As the name suggests, this Archetype is all about the shooting. It focuses on sustained DPS, team ammunition conservation, and quick, hard damage when necessary. It’s also ridiculously cool, the stylish High Noon Duds gear allowing you to live out all your Wild West fantasies. Well, most of them.

It’s incredibly effective when paired with the Hunter Archetype once you can slot two, as the combination of high damage, range, fire rate and extra ammo makes for a lethal cocktail.

Remnant 2 Gunslinger

The Gunslinger also has a set of intrinsic perks that boost their abilities, as follows:

Prime Perk: Loaded
When activating any Gunslinger skill, both weapons are instantly reloaded, and gain infinite ammo for 5 seconds.

Skill 1: Quick Draw
Pull out your trusty side piece and unload up to 6 Critical Shots from the hip. Each shot deals 85.5 base damage and double Stagger value.

Press to instantly fire towards all enemies in view within 25m. Upon release, rounds will be divided equally among targets. Hold and release to manually aim and fire one single powerful shot on release.

Skill 2: Sidewinder
Calls upon the power of the Desert Sidewinder snake to increase ADS movement speed and Draw/Swap speed by 50%. Cycling weapons will automatically reload incoming firearms. Lasts 12 seconds.

Skill 3: Bulletstorm
Unleashes the full power and speed of the Gunslinger. Increases Fire Rate by 20% and Reload Speed by 50% for all ranged weapons. Lasts 20 seconds.

Single shot weapons become fully automatic. Kills instantly reload the current weapon. Instead of becoming fully automatic, bows and crossbows gain 15% Critical Chance and 50% increased Projectile Speed.

Remnant 2 Gunslinger

The Gunslinger also comes with the Ammo Reserves Trait card that increases your ammo reserves, naturally.

Swift Shot: Gain 6% Fire Rate and 10% Ranged Damage. Increases with Gunslinger level.

Posse Up: Ammo pickups award 20% additional ammo per player with the bonus split evenly among teammates.

Quick Hands: Firearms gain 10% Reload Speed.

Sleight of Hand: Using a Relic reloads equipped Firearm.

And now you know how to unlock the Gunslinger Archetype in Remnant 2. Why not check out the rest of our Remnant 2 guides while you’re here, including how to unlock the Explorer Archetype. If you’re struggling with a particular boss, check out our Remnant 2 Boss Guides for help.




Why not check out our other Remnant 2 guides:

Remnant 2 | How long to beat
Remnant 2 | How to play online
Remnant 2 | How to use Mutators
Remnant 2 | How to unlock a second Archetype
Remnant 2 | How to upgrade weapons
Remnant 2 | How to unlock the Ward 13 Safe
Remnant 2 | How to unlock the Losomn Asylum safe

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Remnant 2 | How to unlock the Engineer Archetype Sun, 23 Jul 2023 13:29:27 +0000 Break out the big guns

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One of Remnant 2’s biggest strength is its gameplay diversity. Not only are the Campaign and Adventure Modes procedurally generated each time you start – meaning different bosses, items, and biomes every time – but the character builds are massively diverse. This is in part thanks to the variety of Archetypes – character classes that completely change the way you play and prioritise certain items. One of the coolest in the game is the Engineer, a powerful offensive class. Read on to find out how to unlock the Engineer Archetype in Remnant 2.

Remnant 2 | How to find the Engineer Archetype

The Engineer Archetype can be found in The Eon Vault area of N’Erud. You gain access to The Eon Vault while playing through the N’Erud story from the starting point of The Forgotten Prison. If you start N’Erud at the Seeker’s Rest starting point, you can find the Engineer in the Timeless Horizon are. Both are the second open areas of N’Erud’s respective stories.

Remnant 2 Engineer

While you can certainly find the Engineer without it, the Explorer Archetype makes it far easier thanks to the Treasure Finder perk. This highlights items of interest within a certain range with a purple glow. If you activate this ability while strafing the edge of the Eon Vault map, you will eventually spot a purple-outlined body within the poisonous fog.

We equipped everything we had that could reduce Blight build-up before venturing in, and it didn’t make much difference. You have to be very quick, fight through the initial bour of vomiting as your character enters the fog, and reach the body. You’ll find a full set of Engineer Armor on it, but that;s not what you need. Quickly grab the armour and then move past it to a small drop. A yellow pickup will be there – grab this as it’s the Alien Device you need. You will likely die, but that’s fine as long as you snag the pickup.

Now take it to Wallace and he’ll transform it into the Drzyr Caliper for 1500 scrap and 10 Lumenite Crystals.

Remnant 2 Engineer

What is the Engineer Archetype?

The Engineer in Remnant 2 is a damage-focused build that swaps out summoned companions for mounted turrets that they can remove and use as special Heavy Weapons. It’s ideal for soloists when combined with something like Alchemist, Medic, or Challenger as it offers massive offensive damage and high defence.

It’s perks focus on dishing out damage and survivability. We have listed its perks and their effects below:

Prime Perk: High Tech
Holding the Skill button will Overclock a carried or deployed Heavy Weapon. Overclocking grants Infinite Ammo, increased Fire Rate, and a 25% Damage buff for 15 seconds.

Skill 1: Heavy Weapon: Vulcan
Press to deploy a Vulcan Cannon Turret which lasts until its ammo is exhausted. Turrets that can aim will prioritise targets the player aims at. Press Skill again to enable autonomous targeting.

Hold to carry the Heavy Weapon, If Engineer’s Prime Perk is available, this will Overclock the weapon. Double press to reclaim the weapon and return 75% of its remaining ammo.

Heavy Weapon ammo regenerates at a rate of 1.136% per second and a Heavy Weapon can only be deployed if at least 25% of ammo is available.

Remnant 2 Engineer

Skill 2: Heavy Weapon: Flamethrower
Press to deploy a Flamethrower Turret which lasts until its ammo is exhausted. Turrets that can aim will prioritise targets the player aims at. Press Skill again to enable autonomous targeting.

Hold to carry the Heavy Weapon, If Engineer’s Prime Perk is available, this will Overclock the weapon. Double press to reclaim the weapon and return 75% of its remaining ammo.

Heavy Weapon ammo regenerates at a rate of 1.136% per second and a Heavy Weapon can only be deployed if at least 25% of ammo is available.

Skill 3: Heavy Weapon: Impact Cannon
Press to deploy an Impact Cannon Turret which lasts until its ammo is exhausted. Turrets that can aim will prioritise targets the player aims at. Press Skill again to enable autonomous targeting.

Hold to carry the Heavy Weapon, If Engineer’s Prime Perk is available, this will Overclock the weapon. Double press to reclaim the weapon and return 75% of its remaining ammo.

Heavy Weapon ammo regenerates at a rate of 1.136% per second and a Heavy Weapon can only be deployed if at least 25% of ammo is available.

Remnant 2 Engineer

The Engineer also has a set of intrinsic perks that boost its abilities, as follows:

Metalworker: Increases Skill Damage by 5%. Heavy Weapons gain 5% ammo capacity and 2.59% max health.

Magnetic Field: Heavy Weapons grant 15% damage reduction to all allies within 2.5m.

Heavy Mobility: Movement Speed while carrying a Heavy Weapon is increased by 35%.

Surplus: Using a Relic refills 15% of Heavy Weapon Ammo. Bonus is doubled when Heavy Weapon is stowed.

The Engineer also comes with the Fortify Trait card that increases Armor Effectiveness.

And now you know how to unlock the Engineer Archetype in Remnant 2. Why not check out the rest of our Remnant 2 guides while you’re here, including how to unlock the Alchemist Archetype. If you’re struggling with a particular boss, check out our Remnant 2 Boss Guides for help.





Why not check out our other Remnant 2 guides:

Remnant 2 | How long to beat
Remnant 2 | How to play online
Remnant 2 | How to use Mutators
Remnant 2 | How to unlock a second Archetype
Remnant 2 | How to upgrade weapons
Remnant 2 | How to unlock the Ward 13 Safe
Remnant 2 | How to unlock the Losomn Asylum safe

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Remnant 2 | How to unlock the Alchemist Archetype Sun, 23 Jul 2023 11:21:31 +0000 Mix responsibly

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The more we delve into Remnant 2, the more secrets we discover. From armour sets and weapons to puzzles and even secret Archetypes, Gunfire Games’ 3rd-person adventure is heaving with things to find and conundrums to solve. Speaking of Archetypes, how would you like to know how to unlock the Alchemist Archetype in Remnant 2? Read on for the complete guide.

Remnant 2 | How to find the Alchemist Archetype

This one is not only well-hidden; it’s also bloody scary when it happens. In order to find the item you need to unlock the Alchemist class, you need to be in Morrow Parish, in Losomn: Dran. We’ve heard of it happening elsewhere, but in our experience Morrow Parish was where it occurred.

Remnant 2 Alchemist

Periodically, you’ll come across huge werewolf-like creatures fighting the Dran in the streets. When you damage them enough, they run away and disappear through small drain culverts with bent bars. If you go up to one of those, there’s a good chance one of the beasts will snatch you and pull you through. When it happens you’ll wake up on a pile of bones and the beast will be lurking nearby.

Kill it, and it will drop an item called a Mysterious Stone. Now take that to Wallace in Ward 13 and swap it for the Philosopher’s Stone. It’ll cost you 1500 scrap and 10 Lumenite Crystals.

What is the Alchemist Archetype?

Like the Medic, the Alchemist is designed for support and works great in a group or alongside a heavy damage Archetype like Hunter or Challenger. It’s skills focus on Vials, which can be smashed to impart buffs. It also comes with the Potency Trait Card that increases consumable duration.

Remnant 2 Alchemist

It has some intriguing effects on things like Concoctions, Relic use and other chemical-based mechanics. We’ve listed its skills and perks below:

Prime Perk: Spirited
Alchemist can have 1 additional Concotion buff active.

Skill 1: Vial: Stone Mist
Creates a mysterious cloud that lasts 10 seconds and applies Stoneskin. Press to slam vial on the ground at your feet, hold and release to throw at a target area.

Stoneskin reduces damage by 25%, reduces Stagger by 1, greatly increase Blight build-up decay and makes target immune to Status Effects. Lasts 15 seconds.

Skill 2: Vial: Frenzy Dust
Creates a mysterious vapour cloud that lasts 10 seconds and applies Frenzied. Press to slam vial on the ground at your feet, hold and release to throw at a target area.

Frenzied increases Fire Rate, Reload Speed, and Melee Speed by 20%, and movement speed by 15%. Lasts 15 seconds.

Skill 3: Vial: Elixir of Life
Creates a mysterious vapour cloud that lasts 10 seconds and applies Living Will. Press to slam vial on the ground at your feet, hold and release to throw at a target area.

Living Will grants 5 Health Regen per second, and protects against fatal damage. Can revive downed players. Lasts 20 seconds.

Remnant 2 Alchemist

Alchemist also has a set of intrinsic perks that boost their abilities, as follows:

Experimentalist: Using a Relic applies a random buff on the Alchemist for 30 seconds. Cannot be overriden.

Gold to Lead: Picking up scrap has a 15% chance to also award Ammo to the Alchemist.

Panacea: Curative effects apply to all allies within 15m, and grant an additional 15 Resistance.

Liquid Courage: Grants 2,5% increase to all damage. Increases with Alchemist Level.

And now you know how to unlock the Alchemist Archetype in Remnant 2. Why not check out the rest of our Remnant 2 guides while you’re here, including how to unlock the Summoner Archetype. If you’re struggling with a particular boss, check out our Remnant 2 Boss Guides for help.




Why not check out our other Remnant 2 guides:

Remnant 2 | How long to beat
Remnant 2 | How to play online
Remnant 2 | How to use Mutators
Remnant 2 | How to unlock a second Archetype
Remnant 2 | How to upgrade weapons
Remnant 2 | How to unlock the Ward 13 Safe
Remnant 2 | How to unlock the Losomn Asylum safe



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Remnant 2 | How to beat The Nightweaver Sun, 23 Jul 2023 10:44:14 +0000 Sweet Dreams

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The Nightweaver is the main world boss for the Losomn (Dran) area of Remnant 2, and can be found in The Tormented Asylum. It can be quite a tricky boss, because of how quicks he is and how powerful and deadly some of her attacks can be. Therefore you may need some tips on how to take her down effectively

Here at God is a Geek, we’ve beaten The Nightweaver, and here’s everything you need to know to beat it too in Remnant 2.

Remnant 2 | How to beat The Nightweaver

Stage 1 Arena

This is a boss with two stages. The first stage takes place outside the Asylum with a similar layout to where you fought Ripsaw. As with that boss fight you’ll want to be aware of what’s behind you because the arena can be deceptively tight in places, and the last thing you want is to get trapped in the corner with The Nightweaver bearing down on you.

Attacks to watch out for

The Nightweaver is incredibly quick and can lunge at you from quite a distance away so, if she winds up for this, try and dodge away from it to avoid taking damage. She obviously has melee attacks too, so keeping your distance and shooting is the age-old tactic at this point and works well. She will also dive up high into the air and slam back down in a quick motion, so if you see this dodge away from her to avoid it.

Having said that, be prepared for some pain from a distance too. The Nightweaver can fire a round of homing crystals at you which are tricky to avoid unless you can time your dodge at the last second. She can also pause fire blue fireballs at you. Whilst these aren’t homing, like the crystals, they move quite quickly so will still require movement to dodge.


To make matters worse, The Nightweaver can also summon numerous blue spiders from her chest, that will run and hunt you down. It is best to try and deal with these quickly – melee attacks can work very well to take out a few in quick succession. Then, when the grunts are down you can divert your attention back to The Nightweaver proper.

Prepare for Stage 2

Once her health bar is depleted, she’ll fall to the ground, in a glowing pile. Heal up and ready yourself and then go and inspect the body. She will (unsurprisingly) not be dead, and will grab your character in a quick cutscene. You will be teleported to the second stage arena which is inside the Asylum this time. In many ways despite being smaller, this arena feels easier to navigate with fewer obstructions between you and Nightweaver.

Differences in Stage 2

The Nightweaver will now tend to crawl along the floor rather than fly about, and so will more often than not lung quickly at you which you’ll need to dodge. She will also look to pass through the walls of the Asylum into the smaller rooms. You can engage her in them, but it’s a lot safer to wait for her to return to the larger lobby area where you have more space. The choice is yours.

Her attacks from Stage 1 – most notably the homing crystals and the spiders appear in Stage 2, so be prepared for those, but for the most part, she’ll stick to relentless lunges.

Keep dodging her attacks, and pelting her with bullets, and she should go down. Congratulations, you’ve beaten The Nightweaver in Remnant 2




Why not check out our other Remnant 2 guides:

Remnant 2 | How long to beat
Remnant 2 | How to play online
Remnant 2 | How to use Mutators
Remnant 2 | How to unlock a second Archetype
Remnant 2 | How to upgrade weapons
Remnant 2 | How to unlock the Ward 13 Safe
Remnant 2 | How to unlock the Losomn Asylum safe

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Remnant 2 | How to unlock the Ward 13 safe Sun, 23 Jul 2023 09:09:15 +0000 Sorry Ford

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As you’re exploring Ward 13 in Remnant 2, you will come across a safe in Ford’s office upstairs. It requires a four-digit code combination to unlock. To find out the code you’ll need to investigate something unusual. And it’s not clear from the safe itself what you need to do.

However, if you follow these steps, you’ll have no trouble unlocking the Ward 13 safe in Remnant 2.

Remnant 2 | How to unlock the Ward 13 safe

Step 1: Find the Safe

You’ll likely notice the safe behind you after you’ve spoken to Ford in your office for the first time. Sadly at this point we have no way of knowing the four-digit code, and so you’ll need to progress the story a bit until you can open it.

Step 2: Get the Flashlight

You need to keep progressing the story until you head out with Ford on your adventure out of Ward 13. This means talking to all the people he recommends you talk to before meeting him by the exit and heading through the big metal door.

As you progress down the tunnel, he will hand you a flashlight, which will handily light the way in dark places. But it actually has another purpose. One that we will need to open the safe in Ward 13.

Step 3: Inspect the Flashlight

Remnant 2 Ward 13 safe

Head into your Inventory and you’ll see that the Flashlight is actually a Quest item in your inventory. Whilst hovering over it, you’ll want to press the Inspect button. This allows you to rotate the item. Proceed to rotate the flashlight until you can see underneath it.

You should notice underneath the flashlight there is a four-digit code. You may have to rotate it a few times to get the code to appear upright, but the code you will see is 0415.

Step 4: Reach the Red Crystal

Unfortunately despite now identifying the code, you can’t use it yet as you’re locked into your story with Ford. Keep progressing it until you get transported to your first world courtesy of the Red Crystal.

You will now see your first Red Crystal in front of you. You can now warp back to Ward 13 at your leisure, and after a brief interaction, you’ll be able to explore it again as normal.

Step 5: Enter the Code

Remnant 2 Ward 13 safe

Now return to the Ward 13 safe in Ford’s office. You can now enter the 0415 into the safe and unlock it. It will open, and you can retrieve the Cargo Control Key.

Step 6: Use the Key

It’s all very well having found this new key, but where do you use it? To use it you actually need to head out to the Red Crystal, and then turn left. You should see in front of you a wire fence, with some large storage containers piled up behind it. Head on through the gap in the fence, and then follow the path in between the containers.

Eventually, you will reach a door that is locked. Luckily we have the key. Use your Cargo Control Key on the door to unlock it and head inside.

Step 7: Claim your Reward

Remnant 2 Ward 13 safe

Now it’s time to claim your proper reward for opening the safe. Head on over to the table on the left-hand side of the room, and pick up the item there. It is a brand-new handgun called the MP60-R which shoots like a submachine gun, giving you another loadout option to play around with.

Congratulations you have unlocked the Ward 13 safe in Remnant 2.






Why not check out our other Remnant 2 guides:

Remnant 2 | How long to beat
Remnant 2 | How to play online
Remnant 2 | How to use Mutators
Remnant 2 | How to unlock a second Archetype
Remnant 2 | How to upgrade weapons


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Remnant 2 | How to beat Barghest the Vile Sat, 22 Jul 2023 13:15:29 +0000 Best the Barghest

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Barghest the Vile is a mini-boss from the Losomn (Dran) area of Remnant 2, and can be found in Harvester’s Reach. It can be quite a tricky boss, because of how quick he is and how powerful and deadly some of his attacks can be. Therefore you may need some tips on how to take him down effectively

Here at God is a Geek, we’ve beaten Barghest the Vile, and here’s everything you need to know to beat it too in Remnant 2.

Remnant 2 | How to beat Barghest the Vile

Keep your distance

Like Ripsaw, Barghest the Vile is actually an Aberration – that is a stronger version of a large enemy you can find frequently in the game – and this, as the name suggests is a stronger Barghest. These black cat-like creatures can move very quickly, so to give yourself a chance, try and keep some distance between it and you to allow yourself some breathing room.

Swiping Attacks

If Barghest the Vile does get close, you’ll need to be wary of its swipe attacks with its claws. They actually have a large range and are quick too, so dodge roll away as best you can to avoid the damage. Also be sure not to get pinned in a corner of the sewer, as this can be a recipe for disaster, quite quickly.

New tricks

Barghest the Vile can also shoot white fireballs in your general direction. Dodge these as best you can, and also be mindful that they will leave pools of white flame on the ground for a period of time which will cause a burn effect on you if you touch them. Be sure it has cleared before traversing near them.

Clear the arena

You’ll find a lot of the slug-type creatures nearby to this fight, and the electric variant can be particularly annoying in combination with Barghest the Vile. It’s best to either make sure the area is clear before entering the fight or do your best in some downtime with the boss itself to take down these slimy grunts. They can easily surround you and give you a tough time if you’re not careful.

Licking its wounds

The other trick that Barghest the Vile has is that it can heal a decent chunk of its health when it is close to death. It seems to do this only once, but be on the lookout for it. Don’t get too gung-ho thinking you’re close to winning the first time around, as you’ll be in for a shock.

However, before long Barghest the Vile should properly fall. As a reward, you’ll get Dria’s Anklet. This can be traded with the crying man near the beginning of the area. He’ll give you XXX. You’ll also get the Lithely Mutator from Barghest the Vile, and you can now carry on your Remnant 2 adventure.





Why not check out our other Remnant 2 guides:

Remnant 2 | How long to beat
Remnant 2 | How to play online
Remnant 2 | How to use Mutators
Remnant 2 | How to unlock a second Archetype
Remnant 2 | How to upgrade weapons
Remnant 2 | How to unlock the Ward 13 Safe
Remnant 2 | How to unlock the Losomn Asylum safe


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Remnant 2 | How to beat The Abomination Sat, 22 Jul 2023 12:30:06 +0000 Snot monster?

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The Abomination can be the first main boss in Remnant 2 if you roll the Seeker’s Rest start in N’Erud. You’ll find the seething mass in the Putrid Domain dungeon, but you may have come across smaller versions beforehand in the Phantom Wasteland or Abyssal Rift. It’s not a particularly tough boss, comparatively speaking, but it can be infuriating if you face it early before you have a decent arsenal.

The boss arena

You’ll fight the Abomination in a fairly enclosed area that’s several kinds of gross all at once. It squeezes its bulk through a sewer opening and immediately begins its assault. Because the arena is small, getting some distance can be tricky – especially when it starts spawning adds. There’s a central pillar that allows you some cover if you need to reload or heal.

The Abomination’s attacks

For the first half of its health bar, the Abomination is just a bully. It will roll at you with impressive speed, dealing massive damage. Up close it will perform a combo of three swipes followed by a ground slam that causes Curse build up. It will also occasional hjurl explosive canisters at you that you’ll need to avoid. Periodically, adds will spawn, which can be a pain if you’re solo. A Handler has an advantage here, because your dog can keep the adds busy while you focus on the boss.

In the back half of its health bar the Handler will start using psychic abilities to levitate, shield itself, and throw chunks of debris at you. It will also build up a huge Curse pulse that you can hide from behind the central pillar in the room.

Remnant 2 The Abomination

Break its shell

If you look closely, you’ll see that the Abomination is covered in huge metal plates. Shoot these off to uncover explosive canisters embedded in its flesh. Explode these to deal damage and expose pulsating purple weak points you can exploit. Popping the canisters will stagger it, exposing those weak points for a few seconds.

Use the environment!

Try to keep your distance from the Abomination where possible. Weapon Mods like Caltrops and Time Lapse work very well to slow it down. The central pillar in the room is your best friend, especially when the Abomination is airborne. Use it to heal, reload, and just to grab some cover when it starts vibrating and glowing purple.

You’ll also note explosive canisters lodged in the floor. Pop these at the right moment to damage the beast and knock it off-course if it’s mid-roll.

Stay mobile, keep damage consistent and watch your ammo, and you’ll take down the Abomination in Remnant 2 in no time. For beating it, you’ll recieve a Trait Point and a Mutated Growth crafting material.





Why not check out our other Remnant 2 guides:

Remnant 2 | How long to beat
Remnant 2 | How to play online
Remnant 2 | How to use Mutators
Remnant 2 | How to unlock a second Archetype
Remnant 2 | How to upgrade weapons
Remnant 2 | How to unlock the Ward 13 Safe
Remnant 2 | How to unlock the Losomn Asylum safe

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Remnant 2 | How to beat Shrewd Sat, 22 Jul 2023 12:29:33 +0000 Bow and error

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Shrewd is a pretty tough Remnant 2 boss that you can stumble upon in the Expanding Glade in Yaesha. He’s an archer that does powerful ranged and melee attacks, spawns adds, and – worst of all – can infect you with Root Rot. But don’t worry, we’re here to tell you exactly how to beat Shrewd in Remnant 2.

The boss arena

Like many boss arenas in Remnant 2, Shrewd fights in a doughnut-shaped area with a central tree that you can use for cover. There are no fall points here, and if you stick close to the tree you should be able to avoid most of his ranged attacks.

Remnant 2 Shrewd

Shrewd’s attacks

Shrewd has two primary attacks: first, he’ll stand back on one of the three raised cliff-edges around the arena and hit you with arrows. They have a loud audio-cue when he fires, so use the tree for cover or roll to avoid. He’ll also shoot his arrows into the air, and when they land they’ll create AoE pools of Root Rot.

After a few volleys, he will teleport up close to you. When he does this, get ready to move fast. His melee attacks are swift and devastating. He’ll only hang around for a few combos, and then he will teleport back to a ledge. When he does this, eggs will burst from the ground and you only have a few seconds to destroy them before they spawn adds. Make sure to reload immediately after his melee phase and take the eggs out quickly.

Avoid Root Rot!

The biggest issue with the Shrewd fight is that he will infect you with Root Rot if he hits you multiple times. This is a horrible affliction that reduces your stamina bar and causes you to cough every 10 seconds, interrupting any action you’re performing, including evading or reloading.

Remnant 2 Shrewd

Cure it with Oilskin Balm, which you can buy from Reggie in Ward 13 only after you’ve found it in a random chest in Yaesha. Alternatively, Bedel the Vaunnt (the Root-infected Pan you meet when you enter The Forbidden Grove area) sells the Rotward ring for 500 scrap that prevents Root Rot build up.

Move fast, avoid the pools of Root Rot, and take out the eggs as quickly as possible. Shrewd himself is fairly easy to hit when he’s on one of the ledges, but avoid him when he comes close. The Time Lapse weapon mod doesn’t seem to have much effect on him, either, so you’re best off simply evading until he gets bored and buggers off.

And that’s how you beat Shrewd in Remnant 2. His defeat will reward you with a Trait Point and Soul Sliver crafting material.




Why not check out our other Remnant 2 guides:

Remnant 2 | How long to beat
Remnant 2 | How to play online
Remnant 2 | How to use Mutators
Remnant 2 | How to unlock a second Archetype
Remnant 2 | How to upgrade weapons
Remnant 2 | How to unlock the Ward 13 Safe
Remnant 2 | How to unlock the Losomn Asylum safe


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Remnant 2 | How to beat Kaeula’s Shadow Sat, 22 Jul 2023 12:29:25 +0000 Water torture

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Kaeula’s Shadow is a major boss fight in Remnant 2 that you won’t immediately know how to reach. You’ll find her in the Kaeula’s Rest dungeon in Yaesha. She’s a colossal Root-infected beast that can do serious damage and may take a few attempts – especially given how the fight starts. But worry not, for we have the guide to help you beat Kaeula’s Shadow in Remnant 2.

Remnant 2 | How to reach Kaeula’s Shadow

When you enter the Kaeula’s Rest area you’ll soon come to a huge body of water. You can run in it, but some areas are very deep and will slow you down. Push through the area, and you’ll enter the labyrinthine pathways of the dungeon. Here you’ll face ranged enemies and hulking brutes who will hit from a distance and can infect you with Root Rot.

Cure it with Oilskin Balm, which you can buy from Reggie in Ward 13 only after you’ve found it in a random chest in Yaesha. Alternatively, Bedel the Vaunnt (the Root-infected Pan you meet when you enter The Forbidden Grove area) sells the Rotward ring for 500 scrap that prevents Root Rot build up.

Remnant 2 Kaeula’s Shadow

Eventually you’ll reach a huge statue with a ring at its base called the Tear of Kaeula. Take it, and then take a deep breath. You’ll be immediately grabbed by a huge tentacle and pulled through the floor, into the area – the body of water you crossed earlier.

The boss arena

The arena is half the fight. Not only are you wading through water, there are occasional deep spots that will severely hamper your movement. There’s also no cover from the boss, so you will need to try to avoid her attacks with well-timed evades.

This is a tough fight, partly because you may not be at full strength when it begins. If you die, you’ll respawn at the area’s first crystal right outside the room.

Remnant 2 Kaeula’s Shadow

Kaeula’s Shadow attacks

Kaeula will attack with tentacle slams that deal damage and stagger you, or can knock you down under the water, slowing your recovery. She will occasionally burrow her tentacles, which will burst up below you. After a few minutes, she’ll dig down under the water, and spawn a bunch of tentacles with their own shared health bar. Take them out, avoiding their slam attacks. Be aware that it’s not easy to move in here.

When she resurfaces, Kaeula’s Shadow will be right on you. She will tentacle slam, and when you get some distance she’ll usually sweep her tentacle across the water, creating a wave that will knock you on your butt. Heal when you can, and keep targeting her head and chest with your attacks. When she dies, you’ll receive a Trait Point and the Twilight Dactylus crafting material.

Remnant 2 Kaeula’s Shadow

A gift that keeps on giving

You’ll also walk away with the Tear of Kaeula, a ring that grants you two extra Relic uses when equipped. This is essential early on, but it has more than one use. Continue playing and you’ll eventually reach the Far Woods, one of the areas where the Blood Moon can spawn to farm material for the Summoner Archetype.

You’ll eventually come upon a huge glowing tree. The spirit residing within, Meidra, is Kaeula’s sister. Not only does he give you a reward  for answering her questions (we got the Barkskin Trait card for our answers), but she’ll also reward you with a powerful handgun if you give up the ring. Remember, if you don’t have the ring the next time you beat Kaeula’s Shadow, you will receive another copy of it.

So there you go: that’s how you beat Kaeula’s Shadow in Remnant 2.





Why not check out our other Remnant 2 guides:

Remnant 2 | How long to beat
Remnant 2 | How to play online
Remnant 2 | How to use Mutators
Remnant 2 | How to unlock a second Archetype
Remnant 2 | How to upgrade weapons
Remnant 2 | How to unlock the Ward 13 Safe
Remnant 2 | How to unlock the Losomn Asylum safe

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Remnant 2 | Where to find extra Archetypes Sat, 22 Jul 2023 11:02:43 +0000 The right (Arche)type

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During your Remnant 2 adventure, you can choose between a number of Archetypes to play as, and you can find extra Archetypes as you progress further into the game.

When you first begin the game, you will only have four Archetypes unlocked to choose from. These are Medic, Handler, Challenger, and Hunter.

However, you can unlock more as you play if you meet certain conditions or find certain items. We’ve listed the extra Archetypes we’ve found during our time with Remnant 2, so that you can unlock more Archetypes and tailor your playstyle with more options.

Note: Don’t forget, you can actually equip a second archetype on your character for extra skills and bonuses, so having more Archetypes unlocked, gives your more options to play around with.

For more information on how to unlock a second Archetype slot on your character – follow our guide here.

Remnant 2 | Where to find extra Archetypes

We’ve listed all the additional Archetypes that we’ve found in Remnant 2 below. Each has a separate guide that you can click on, as some of the steps you need to take are quite complicated, and need to be covered in detail to ensure you unlock them.

We’ve also provided some information about what these Archetypes are and how they differ from the standard Archetypes unlocked from the start. So you can get a feel for how they play as well as how to specifically unlock them. Take a look at the list of Archetypes below for more information.

How to unlock the Gunslinger Archetype

Remnant 2 Gunslinger

How to unlock the Summoner Archetype

Remnant 2 summoner archetype


How to unlock the Explorer Archetype

Remnant 2 Explorer

How to unlock the Alchemist Archetype

Remnant 2 Alchemist

How to unlock the Engineer Archetype

Remnant 2 Engineer


Why not check out our other Remnant 2 guides:

Remnant 2 | How long to beat
Remnant 2 | How to play online
Remnant 2 | How to use Mutators
Remnant 2 | How to unlock a second Archetype
Remnant 2 | How to upgrade weapons
Remnant 2 | How to unlock the Ward 13 Safe
Remnant 2 | How to unlock the Losomn Asylum safe


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Remnant 2 | How to unlock the Explorer Archetype Sat, 22 Jul 2023 10:29:22 +0000 Go forth and loot things

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Remnant 2 has more than its fair share of secrets, but some of the most sought-after items are the keepsakes that Wallace can turn into Engrams – which are in turn used to unlock secret Archetypes. These are whole-new game-changing class kits, all of which can make a massive difference to how you play. We already showed you how to unlock the Summoner Archetype, but what about how to unlock the Explorer Archetype in Remnant 2? Read on to find out.

Remnant 2 | How to find the Explorer Archetype

Unfortunately, this is both very straightforward and very tough. To unlock Explorer, you need the Broken Compass item – and to get that you need to complete Remnant 2’s campaign once. That means beating the incredibly tough final boss and rolling a new campaign or Adventure.

When you do, you’ll find the Broken Compass in your inventory. Take it to Wallace with 1500 scrap and 10 Lumenite Crystals, and he’ll forge the Golden Compass engram for you. Simply equip it to unlock the Explorer Archetype in Remnant 2.

Remnant 2 Explorer

What is the Explorer Archetype?

The Explorer is a heavily utility-based Archetype that works best when combined with others. Starting out as an Explorer (which you can do if you roll a new character after unlocking it) would be particularly tough. It focuses on movement speed and item gathering, rather than straight DPS or survivability.

While it doesn’t offer the insane group support of the Medic or Hunter, and would certainly struggle alone more than, say, the Handler or Summoner, the Explorer is, unsurprisingly, built for exploration. The abilities are as follows:

Prime Perk: Lucky
Grants a 10% chance to spawn additional items and rarer drops when defeating powerful enemies.

Skill 1: Planeswalker
Increases movement speed by 20% and reduces Stamina cost for allies by 80%. Lasts 30 seconds.

Skill 2: Gold Digger
Dig into the ground to spring a fountain that grants a random buff. Fountains last 45 seconds and their buff lasts 15 seconds.

Fountains can grant either: 10% increase to all damage; 15% damage reduction; 1.5 Health Regen per second; or Haste.

Skill 3: Fortune Hunter
Increases the Explorer’s Treasure Sense to reveal special items within 40m for all allies. Lasts 60 seconds.

Remnant 2 Explorer

Explorer also has intrinsic Archetype perks that boost similar abilities, as below:

Scavenger: Pickups increase all damage dealt by 2% per stack for 15 seconds. Additional stacks increase duration up to 60 seconds. Stacks 5 times.

Metal Detector: Increase ammo, currency, and metal drop rate chance for entire party by 10%.

Prospector: Relic fragment discoveries for the Explorer drop at a higher quality.

Self Discovery: Using a Relic instantly fills Scavenger Stacks and prevents stack decay for 15 seconds.

There you go, now you know how to unlock the Explorer Archetype in Remnant 2 and what it does. Why not check out the rest of our Remnant 2 guides while you’re here, including how to unlock the Summoner Archetype. If you’re struggling with a particular boss, check out our Remnant 2 Boss Guides for help.




Why not check out our other Remnant 2 guides:

Remnant 2 | How long to beat
Remnant 2 | How to play online
Remnant 2 | How to use Mutators
Remnant 2 | How to unlock a second Archetype
Remnant 2 | How to upgrade weapons
Remnant 2 | How to unlock the Ward 13 Safe
Remnant 2 | How to unlock the Losomn Asylum safe


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Remnant 2 | How to unlock the Losomn Asylum safe Sat, 22 Jul 2023 09:57:44 +0000 Finders Keepers

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As you’re exploring the Losomn (Dran) Asylum in Remnant 2, you will come across a safe in the office on the ground floor. It requires a four-digit code combination to unlock. To find out the code you’ll need to explore the place and complete some additional tasks. And it’s not clear from the safe itself what you need to do.

However, if you follow these steps, you’ll have no trouble unlocking the Losomn Asylum safe in Remnant 2.

Remnant 2 | How to unlock the Losomn Asylum safe

Step 1: Find the First Doll

The first part of this puzzle revolves around finding three Stone-Carved Dolls in the Sanitorium. Quest items such as these show up as red items on the floor so they’re easy to locate. You should find the first one on the ground floor of the Sanitorium in the same room as a friendly patient who mentions a nurse who has been locked away in the basement against her will. We will need to remember that.

Step 2: Find the Nurse in the basement

As we progress through the Asylum, we will find ourselves in the basement. Once you have cleared out all the enemies, there is a locked door towards the end of the corridor on the left that you can interact with. This is the nurse who has been involuntarily locked away by the other staff members. Keep talking to her to find out that the reason for her being locked away is her visions of Nightweaver. At this point, you can give her the Stone-Carved Doll you have already found. Do this, and she will be pleased.

Step 3: Find the Second Doll

Exit out of the far side of the basement, and you should find yourself outside the front of the Asylum. Ignore the shed in the corner, with noises coming from it, and instead, from the shed, head right into the other corner. You should see a red item here, and it is another Stone-Carved Doll. Go and give this to the trapped nurse, to make her happier and progress the dialogue with her further. You will then need to return back to the shed. Interact with it and prepare for a boss fight.

Step 4: Defeat Ripsaw

Remnant 2 Ripsaw

Before tackling Ripsaw, it is worth checking out our Ripsaw Boss Guide. This will give you all the tips and tricks you need to know to survive this fight and take down this dangerous enemy. Once Ripsaw is dead, search the shed that he came from to pick up the Asylum Third Floor Key.

Step 5: Find the Third Doll on the Third Floor

With your new key, you’ll be able to enter the top floor of the Asylum. Head through the front door and then up the stairs and around to your right. Go through the door, and then turn right to head through another door and head up the stairs. The door in front of you is locked but can be unlocked with your Asylum Third Floor Key. Beware of flying Fae enemies as you enter this new area. Head down the corridor and enter the room, and there will be more flying enemies. Work your way around the hole in the floor and into the next room to your right. There will be a lot of flying Fae enemies to take out here that will appear from numerous directions through windows. Explore the whole room to be sure all the enemies are taken care of.

When the room is cleared, head around to the far corner from where you entered. And behind a screen, by a chair is the final Stone-Carved Doll. As you backtrack through the previous room, you can also jump out of an open window onto a balcony, to pick up the Prison Cell Key.

Step 6: Return to the Nurse

Now head back to the basement.

Important: Do not choose the option to Unlock the door. Doing so and opening it will kill the nurse. You want to talk to her and give her the final Stone-Carved Doll first. Giving her the final doll will cause her to recite a song for you. It goes:

Oh little Corny Barrows slept / and dreamed he saw a sight / of teeth and trails and darkened veils / and unforgiving light.

Two shing copper teeth removed from // nine discarded combs, and // seven yellowed leaves excised from // one forgotten tome.

It might seem a pointless song, but actually, this is the solution to your safe. The numbers “two”, “nine”, “seven” and “one” just so happens to be the safe code you need.

Note:  At this point, having noted the code, it is fine to unlock the door and open it and pick up the Nightweaver Stone Doll which you can use later.

Step 7: Unlock the Safe

Remnant 2 Losomn Asylum safe

Now with the code in hand, you can head back to the safe. Enter the code 2971 into the safe to unlock it. Inside is a brand-new handgun the Double Barrel which fires like a powerful magnum weapon, giving you another loadout option to play around with.

Congratulations you have unlocked the Losmmn Asylum safe in Remnant 2.





Why not check out our other Remnant 2 guides:

Remnant 2 | How long to beat
Remnant 2 | How to play online
Remnant 2 | How to use Mutators
Remnant 2 | How to unlock a second Archetype
Remnant 2 | How to upgrade weapons



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Remnant 2 | Boss Guides Sat, 22 Jul 2023 09:02:40 +0000 Take them all down!

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Remnant 2 has its fair share of boss encounters and they can be tricky to overcome. As such you may be in need of a helping hand to help you blast through and beat these tricky fights.

So to help you out, we’ve pulled together guides for every boss we’ve beaten in Remnant 2, so that you can best these dangerous foes with ease. Read on to find the solutions to beating each boss in Remnant 2.

Remnant 2 | A note on progression

Remnant 2 isn’t a linear experience at all. After the initial prologue of the game which serves as a tutorial, you will be transported as part of the story to one of several worlds that you can explore. This means you could experience worlds – and therefore – bosses in a unique order from another player. As such we have grouped our boss guides in Remnant 2 by world, so that you can better find the boss you need, and quickly find the solution.

The other point to note is that you may not actually find all the bosses listed in your playthrough, as even in the same world, the layouts are procedurally generated and that means some bosses may not actually appear for you. As such, we have listed all the bosses we have located so far, and how we have beaten them. So don’t worry if you see a boss in your world that you don’t see. You may not have done anything wrong, and it may mean you just need to replay the game to see the bosses listed below.

Remnant 2 | Boss Guides

Jump to:

Sets: Prologue | Losomn (Dran) | Losomn (Fae) | N’Erud | Yaesha  | Root Earth


Prologue Bosses

Root Mantis

Remnant 2 Root Mantis

Losomn (Dran) Bosses

Note: You may not know which part of Losomn you’re in initially. If it appears to be a dark urban area, with a Bloodborne-type feel, you are in Dran. If it has more flying enemies, with an elvish, Anor Londo-type aesthetic, then you are in the Fae area.

Gwendil: The Unburnt

Remnant 2 Gwendil The Unburnt


Remnant 2 Ripsaw

Barghest the Vile

Remnant 2 Barghest the Vile

The Nightweaver

Remnant 2 Boss Guide

Losomn (Fae) Bosses

Note: You may not know which part of Losomn you’re in initially. If it appears to be a dark urban area, with a Bloodborne-type feel, you are in Dran. If it has more flying enemies, with an elvish, Anor Londo-type aesthetic, then you are in the Fae area.

N’Erud Bosses

Note: When you enter N’Erud, you’ll either find yourself at Seeker’s Rest or The Forgotten Prison. This will signify which story you’re playing and determine the end boss and many of your objectives. Some dungeons will appear in either story.

The Primogenitor

Remnant 2 | How to beat the Primogenitor

The Abomination

Remnant 2 The Abomination

Yaesha Bosses

Note: Yaesha has two starting points with a fair amount of overlap. These starting points will determine which main boss you’ll fight at the end of the world. You’ll either start at The Red Throne, or the Forbidden Grove.


Remnant 2 Shrewd Boss Fight Guide

Kaeula’s Shadow

Remnant 2 Kaeula’s Shadow

Root Earth Bosses

Note: Root Earth is the final area of the game and is only accessible after beating the three world bosses that came before. It is not part of the procedural campaign, and is always the final world.

Annihilation, the Final Boss

Remnant 2 Annihilation final boss




Why not check out our other Remnant 2 guides:

Remnant 2 | How long to beat
Remnant 2 | How to play online
Remnant 2 | How to use Mutators
Remnant 2 | How to unlock a second Archetype
Remnant 2 | How to upgrade weapons
Remnant 2 | How to unlock the Ward 13 Safe
Remnant 2 | How to unlock the Losomn Asylum safe


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Remnant 2 | How to beat Ripsaw Fri, 21 Jul 2023 18:28:14 +0000 Saw that coming

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Ripsaw is a min-boss from the Losomn (Dran) area of Remnant 2, and can be found in Morrow’s Parish Sanitorium. He can be quite a tricky boss, because of how quick he is and how powerful and deadly some of his attacks can be. Therefore you may need some tips on how to take him down effectively

Here at God is a Geek, we’ve beaten Ripsaw, and here’s everything you need to know to beat her too in Remnant 2.

Remnant 2 | How to beat Ripsaw

Think fast

Likely the first thing you’ll have to deal with when tackling Ripsaw is a quick time event (QTE) that happens almost at the start of the fight. Ripsaw lunges his chainsaw weapons at you and pins you to the ground. Mash the on-screen button prompt (X on an Xbox controller) until the bar is full to escape. Failure to do so leads to a rather gruesome death, and a need to restart the fight after making your way there again from the checkpoint.

Familiar Foe

The good news is, the is unlikely to be the first time you’ve faced this type of enemy before. Ripsaw in boss-form is by and large a souped-up version of the same enemy you’ve likely taken down a few times on your travels already up to this point. His main way of attack is melee attacks with his bladed saw. Keeping your distance and dodging away from him is a good tactic.

New tricks

Ripsaw does however have a couple of new tricks to contend with compared to the enemies you’ve fought before. He can now actually shoot white fireballs from his gun in your general direction. Dodge these as best you can, and also be mindful they will leave pools of white flame on the ground for a period of time which will cause the burn effect on you if you touch it. be sure it is cleared before traversing near them.

Learn the arena

The outside area where you fight might seem quite open, but there are large square areas which are blocked off, and so actually this arena has quite a few tight corridors in reality. And whilst visibility is still good, these narrow channels are perfect for a charge move from Ripsaw which you will want to avoid at all costs. Be aware of your evrinoment. You don’t want to get stuck on some scenery and meet a grisly end.

Wait for your opening

As with he regular enemy, Ripsaw can be stunned with constant gunfire but it seems to happen less frequently here. Your best bet for sustained attacks is to wait until he holds his blade above his head and rams it into the ground. Dodge to avoid it and then let rip with your most powerful weapon. Alternatively wait until he has to “re-rev” up the chainsaw and pummel him then too.

Hopefully, before long Ripsaw should fall. As a reward you’ll get a Trait Point and the Striker Mutator. Also, don’t forget to return to the shed that Ripsaw burst out of for a very handy Simulacrum and the Asylum Third Floor Key.




Why not check out our other Remnant 2 guides:

Remnant 2 | How long to beat
Remnant 2 | How to play online
Remnant 2 | How to use Mutators
Remnant 2 | How to unlock a second Archetype
Remnant 2 | How to upgrade weapons
Remnant 2 | How to unlock the Ward 13 Safe
Remnant 2 | How to unlock the Losomn Asylum safe



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Remnant 2 | How to beat Gwendil: The Unburnt Fri, 21 Jul 2023 17:43:46 +0000 Bombs away!

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Gwendil: The Unburnt is a boss from the Losomn (Dran) area of Remnant 2, and can be found in Cotton’s Kiln. She can be quite a tricky boss, due to the nature of the arena, her attacks and your limited window to actually damage her. As such you may find yourself in need of a tip or two to best her.

Here at God is a Geek, we’ve beaten Gwendil: The Unburnt, and here’s everything you need to know to beat her too in Remnant 2.

Remnant 2 | How to beat Gwendil: The Unburnt

The boss arena

The first thing you need to get your head around for this boss is the arena, how to navigate it, and what it means. Gwendil, and some of her friends, stand atop some raised walls, which frustratingly you cannot access. Your option instead is to run around the edge of these buildings and shoot Gwendil from afar when the angle is right. You can also run through the middle of the arena too, but this does leave you quite open to attacks from multiple sides, so it is advised to stick to the edges.

Gwendil’s attacks

The attacks of Gwendil are actually fairly simple. She will throw explosive bombs at you, with blistering accuracy, sometimes almost frustratingly good accuracy. These bombs explode and cause a small explosion of fire, which you will want to dodge roll away from as best you can. Sometimes Gwendil will even throw multiple bombs at you at once, and this is your cue to move quickly to escape the range of explosions.

Fire kills!

Fire damage is the order of the day here from Gwendil, so firstly you may want to consider bulking yourself up against Fire damage at Ward 13 before you take her own. Purchasing the Bruiser armour set for example should give you a nice boost to Fire damage. Fire causes the Burn debuff which gradually causes you to lose health. Dodge roll to significantly reduce the time you are on fire, and stop the health depletion. Also not, not only can you catch fire from the explosions of Gwendil’s bombs and from the enemies that put themselves on fire, but there are also patches of oil on the floor dotted around the arena, which if ignited will also cause you to catch fire if you touch them. So watch out for all these dangers, and whenever you are on fire, roll away quickly.

Clear the way

There’s a lot to consider with bombs flying around and fire everywhere, but the last thing you need are grunt enemies causing you more hassle. Try and keep distance between you and Gwendil (head to the other side of the arena) and take out grunts as soon as you see them, to give you some breathing space. Also, remember that Gwendil’s gun-toting friends on the buildings also respawn over time, so keep a lookout for them as well. You’ll have a much easier time when you can just focus on dealing damage to Gwendil, so clear everything else out first to give you a clear shot.

Shoot and run

You need to keep moving during much of this fight so that you avoid the damage from Gwendil’s bombs. Once you’re safe it’s worth peeking up to spot Gwendil and taking some shots at her before moving again before her bomb explodes in your face. If you can aim for her head for extra damage, then do so, or even better, try and shoot the bomb she holds before throwing it. It will explode in her hand, and deal good damage to her as well as meaning she isn’t throwing it your way.

It will take time and patience, but Gwendil: The Unburnt in Remnant 2 will go down eventually if you play it safe and sensible. You’ll be rewarded with a Trait Point and some Alkahest Powder for your trouble.





Why not check out our other Remnant 2 guides:

Remnant 2 | How long to beat
Remnant 2 | How to play online
Remnant 2 | How to use Mutators
Remnant 2 | How to unlock a second Archetype
Remnant 2 | How to upgrade weapons
Remnant 2 | How to unlock the Ward 13 Safe
Remnant 2 | How to unlock the Losomn Asylum safe

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Remnant 2 | How to beat Root Mantis Fri, 21 Jul 2023 16:45:27 +0000 To the root of the problem

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The Root Mantis is the first boss you will come across in Remnant 2, and beating it can prove a little tricky. Whilst it serves as a tutorial boss before you get to the game proper, you’ve had very little time to understand Remnant 2’s mechanics and controls before you’re thrown into this boss fight. As such it can feel a little overwhelming.

But worry not, here at God is a Geek, we’ll guide you through everything you need to know to beat the Root Mantis in Remnant 2.

Remnant 2 | How to beat Root Mantis

You’re not alone

The first thing to bear in mind in this fight, is thankfully you have some NPC teammates to help you. Not only will they be firing at the Root Mantis, to help you take it down, but they’ll also, crucially be distracting it for portions of the fight, and that gives you some room to breathe and plan what to do next. Make the most of the moments where the Root Mantis is not attacking you and focussing on someone else, to your advantage. Take a moment to reload your weapon, get yourself well-positioned out of a corner, and make sure you land those shots.

Keep your distance

Remnant 2 is a shooter, and as such it makes sense to keep your distance from the Root Mantis and shoot from afar. Not only does this keep you relatively safe, but it also gives you a chance to react. The Root Mantis is surprisingly quick for a boss, and when it has its eye on you, can close you down very quickly, so keep an eye on this and be ready to move and maintain your distance for the duration.

Remember to dodge

Dodging is vital in Remnant 2 and the Root Mantis is a good a lesson as any in that regard. Not only might you need to dodge out of the way if the Root Mantis bears down on your quicker than you expected, but you’ll also need to look out for the Root Mantis’ ranged attack. It will frequently spit at you and with surprising accuracy, so be sure to watch out for this and dodge roll to the side.

Take your time

At this stage in the game, you haven’t got a reliable healing method, so your life bar is precious. So whilst it can be tempting to brute force your way through, it’s better to dodge and keep your distance, because it’ll mean that you actually survive the fight. Wait for the openings between its attacks or when it is focussed on a teammate to let loose with your gun. Take your time and the Root Mantis should go down.

And that’s it, you have successfully taken down the Root Mantis in Remnant 2.





Why not check out our other Remnant 2 guides:

Remnant 2 | How long to beat
Remnant 2 | How to play online
Remnant 2 | How to use Mutators
Remnant 2 | How to unlock a second Archetype
Remnant 2 | How to upgrade weapons
Remnant 2 | How to unlock the Ward 13 Safe
Remnant 2 | How to unlock the Losomn Asylum safe

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Remnant 2 | How to use Mutators Thu, 20 Jul 2023 14:00:36 +0000 Mutation nation

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Remnant 2 introduces a lot of new systems and overhauls older ones, meaning some of it can be a little confusing even to veterans of From the Ashes. One new system involves Mutators, which are utterly essential to endgame builds regardless of your Archetype mix.

But how do you use them, where do you get them, and just what the hell do they do? Well, we’ve got you covered with our guide on how to use Mutators in Remnant 2.

What are Mutators?

Mutators in Remnant 2 are like passive mods. They slot into your kit and provide a multitude of different benefits. For example, the Lithely Mutator increases your reload speed based on how many enemies you killed with your current mag. They can drastically affect your builds, or add a little benefit here and there when you need it.

Essentially, they have replaced Armor Set Bonuses meaning you can wear whatever you like while still equipping up to three Mutators for the perks.

Remnant 2 Mutators

Remnant 2 | How do you get Mutators?

There are two main sources for Mutators. The first is to visit Dwell, the Pan vendor in Ward 13. He sells them for scrap and Relic Dust and will occasionally get a new one in. He will also upgrade them for scrap and Corrupted Lumenite, increasing their efficacy.

How do you use Mutators?

Mutators will slot in any weapon except the grey starting weapons. Any that you find or buy will have a Mutator slot; even the melee weapons you find that don’t have a Mod slot, or unique weapons with a fixed Mod slot, will have a Mutator Slot.

There’s no cost to slot one or remove one, though melee weapons can only equip Mutators with melee effects. Once you equip one (and you can have up to three), the effect is always ready to trigger. Some are continuous buffs, others require certain triggers such as a charged melee attack or a reload.

Why not check out our other Remnant 2 guides:

Remnant 2 | How long to beat
Remnant 2 | How to unlock a second Archetype
Remnant 2 | How to upgrade weapons
Remnant 2 | How to unlock the Summoner Archetype

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Remnant 2 | How to unlock the Summoner Archetype Thu, 20 Jul 2023 14:00:34 +0000 Bring your own beasties

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Although the five starting Archetypes in Remnant 2, there are also several “secret” Archetypes to be found in the various worlds and dungeons. We stumbled across one in our review playthrough, the Summoner, and in this guide we’ll tell you where to find it, and how to get the Summoner Archetype in Remnant 2.

What is the Summoner Archetype?

As you might have guessed, this class focuses heavily on summoning companions to fight for you and alongside you. It’s most analogous to, say, a Necromancer build, with perks that boost your summon strengths and the “Regrowth” Trait card that increases your health regen for every active summon.

It’s a massive game-changer in terms of gameplay and build composition, too, with an incredibly different skill set and a whole new suite of build options.

Remnant 2 summoner archetype

Remnant 2 | How to find the Summoner Archetype

So, this may rely on a little RNG. To unlock the Summoner, you’ll need to find the Bloodmoon Altar. For us, it appeared in the Far Woods area of Yaesha, although we’ve also seen it in the Forgotten Grove area, too. It shows up as a blue icon on the map that looks similar to a save crystal.

Of course, you can’t just pick it up. The Altar sells an Old Grimoire, as well as a melee weapon, two rings, an amulet, and the creepy Knotted Bone armour set. But while there’s a cost of scrap, you’ll also need Bloodmoon Essence – and the game gives you no clue how to get it. Oh, and you’ll need a hell of a lot to unlock everything.

How to farm Bloodmoon Essence

You can only obtain Bloodmoon Essence from one source: killing whisps during a Blood Moon. Unfortunately, this sounds easier than it is.

First of all, a Blood Moon is a randomly occurring event that may or may not be active when you warp into the Far Woods. It’s signified by, you guessed it, a massive crimson moon in the sky. When this happens, you’ll need to travel the map looking for glowing whisps in the sky. You can’t miss them, they don’t fly away, and you can’t miss the essence they drop as it tracks to you.

Remnant 2 summoner archetype

Sadly, though, they are rare. You’ll only find a total of 12 per Blood Moon and they don’t respawn when you rest or die. Once you have twelve, you need to keep travelling to and from Far Woods until a Blood Moon procs again.

The Grimoire costs 15 Bloodmoon Essence, so you’ll need to do it at least twice. The armour is worth having mostly because it’s badass, but also because it has the highest Blight Resistance, which is handy in Yaesha. There’s also a sword which is kind of ignorable, and some jewellery that boosts the strength of your summons.

I have the Grimoire – now what?

Now take it to Wallace in Ward 13 like the other Archetype items. Pay him 1500 scrap and 10 Lumenite Crystals and he’ll unlock the engram that allows you to equip the Summoner Archetype and raise a little army of minions to do your bidding. So now you know how to unlock the Summoner Archetype in Remnant 2.

Why not check out our other Remnant 2 guides:

Remnant 2 | How long to beat
Remnant 2 | How to use Mutators
Remnant 2 | How to unlock a second Archetype
Remnant 2 | How to upgrade weapons

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Remnant 2 | How to unlock a second Archetype Thu, 20 Jul 2023 14:00:31 +0000 Class warfare

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As with Remnant: From the Ashes, Archetypes determine your starting “class” in Remnant 2 – but to a much greater degree in the sequel. Here, Archetypes form the backbone of your build, each coming with a Prime Perk, a unique Trait, and a spread of Perks and abilities. Initially, you can only choose and equip one, but at a certain point you’ll be able to double up – and that’s where it starts to get really interesting. But how exactly do you unlock a second Archetype in Remnant 2? Read on, and we’ll tell you.

Remnant 2 | How do I choose an Archetype?

First-time players will need to report to a familiar face from the first game when they first reach Ward 13. Little Wallace is all grown up, and he’s able to read fragments of your future, to help determine your path. Which you pick is really up to you, but there are degrees of difficulty here.

The Handler and Medic are arguably the best starting classes. The former has a doggy buddy that can deal damage, take threat, and can be upgraded to heal you and your allies or boost your damage. The latter is, obviously, a healer, and able to regenerate health without needing to use a Relic.

Then there’s the Challenger and Gunslinger, both of whom specialise in very different styles. The Challenger is a brutal tank, built for getting into the thick of it. What makes it tricky is that it requires getting up close to the enemy. The Gunslinger (only unlockable at the start if you preordered) is squishy, and designed to deal damage fast while avoiding direct conflict.

Remnant 2 second Archetype

And then the Hunter is arguably the toughest starting Archetype. It takes while to become really good, as the Hunter’s intrinsic Trait simply increases range. You’ll need to stay away from the enemy and deal damage from afar. By the time you’re around level 5 of the Archetype, it starts to become the best damage powerhouse of all five, but it takes a while.

How do I unlock a secondary Archetype?

To unlock the Dual Archetype ability you will first need to spend 10 Trait Points anywhere in your Trait cards. Now you need an engram, an artifact that allows Wallace to unlock a new path for you. You can buy them from the following vendors for 1000 scrap (though you’ll need to find Gunslinger elsewhere):

  • Challenger: Buy the Old Metal Tool from Reggie
  • Medic: Buy the Medic Pin from Doc Norah
  • Handler: Buy the Old Whistle from Mudtooth
  • Hunter: But the War Medal from Brabus

Now take the item up to Wallace and pay him 1500 scrap and 10 Lumenite Crystals to convert the item into an engram. You can now equip a second Archetype, which will give you all its perks and abilities, and unlock a new trait card that will be active only when the Archetype is live. You can swap your Prime Archetype, too, but be aware that the Prime Perk is only active on your Primary Archetype.

There are also ways to find other engrams in the game to unlock secret Archetypes, such as the Summoner.

Why not check out our other Remnant 2 guides:

Remnant 2 | How long to beat
Remnant 2 | How to use Mutators
Remnant 2 | How to upgrade weapons
Remnant 2 | How to unlock the Summoner Archetype

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Remnant 2 | How to upgrade weapons Thu, 20 Jul 2023 14:00:21 +0000 Up your arsenal

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If you want to survive in the harsh worlds of Remnant 2, you’re going to need the best gear you can get. As you can’t upgrade armour and can only boost Mutators and weapons, you’ll be spending a lot of time – and resources – pumping up your arsenal. Here’s how to upgrade weapons in Remnant 2.

First, you’re going to need scrap. Lots of scrap. Secondly, iron. This resource comes in three types in Remnant 2: iron, forged iron, and galvanised iron. Then you’ll need to go visit Rigs in Ward 13. As in From the Ashes, you’ll find him sharing a workshop with McCabe. He’ll upgrade your guns and melee weapons for increasing amounts.

Remnant 2 upgrade weapons

Scrap can be found from defeated enemies and looting chests. While the same can be said of iron, you’ll also see that just lying around the landscape with a bright yellow glow. Hoover up as much as you can, because it never feels like you’ve got enough.

But what about your special, unique weapons? There are actually two ways to upgrade them. You can either take them to Rigs and pay scrap and Lumenite Crystals or you can farm bosses and world zones. Any weapon you find that you already have, or any boss material you collect that McCabe already turned into a weapon will add a +1 modifier to the item.

Not only does this let you save up your Lumenite, but it gives you a reason to go back and replay certain dungeons, and means co-op runs are never a waste of time. Now you know how to upgrade your guns and melee weapons in Remnant 2.

Why not check out our other Remnant 2 guides:

Remnant 2 | How long to beat
Remnant 2 | How to use Mutators
Remnant 2 | How to unlock a second Archetype
Remnant 2 | How to unlock the Summoner Archetype

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Remnant 2 | How long to beat? Thu, 20 Jul 2023 14:00:01 +0000 Root maneuvers

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The term “your mileage will vary” is more apt than ever when considering the runtime of Gunfire Games’ exceptional sequel, Remnant 2. This is a game with potentially endless replayability, even with the diminishing returns that will eventually come from repeat content.

As a sequel to Remnant: From the Ashes, fans will already know roughly what to expect here: procedurally-generated full-sized campaigns, and smaller bite-size Adventures to run random dungeons and uncover countless secrets across a trio of diverse worlds. But if you’re wondering just how long it takes to beat all of it, we’ve got you covered.

Remnant 2: how long to beat?

The primary campaign of Remnant 2 will see you visit a total of five worlds. Two are much smaller than the others and fixed, those being the Labyrinth and the final realm in which you’ll face the main boss of the campaign. The other three worlds come in a random order, and the content within is procedurally generated to quite an insane degree, meaning very few people will have the same dungeons and areas in the same order. There are also multiple story paths through those worlds, too.

Our initial playthrough saw us begin in the futuristic Phantom Wasteland of N’Erud. We then went to Losomn: Fae (one of two potential Losomn rolls), and then to the woodland world of Yaesha. This can be in any order. Discounting time spent in co-op and Adventure Mode, our campaign playthrough clocked in at around 22 hours, though this could be quicker or slower depending on how many bosses you face and which routes you take.

However, to see everything could take more than triple that, especially if you’re looking to uncover every boss, item, and hidden Archetype in the game. We would estimate around 60 – 80 hours to play the campaign multiple times and roll Adventure Mode a few times.

Remnant 2 | How long to beat?

Which factors determine how long it takes to beat?

Lots. Not only is each world procedural, but there are multiple mysteries and puzzles that can eat away at your time. There are many dungeons scattered through each world, all of which hold treasures such as upgrade materials, boss drops, or even just Trait Points to help improve your build.

Playing in co-op elevates the experience, but you’ll only progress the host’s campaign, so you may well play some areas multiple times just to co-op. Factor in that some worlds have random conditions when you warp in that are required to solve puzzles or farm materials, and there’s no way to guarantee whether that will happen.

And finally, difficulty plays a major part. Remnant 2 is more accessible than the first game on Survivor Mode. Higher difficulties are tougher, and some of the bosses are a genuine challenge even on the easiest setting. The final boss, for example, may take multiple attempts even if you’re skilled.

Remnant 2: Can you continue after the campaign?

Yup. Finishing the campaign gives you a fairly ambiguous ending and then just drops you back in Ward 13 with the option to revisit areas you missed or re-roll the campaign, which is essentially New Game + as it scales enemies to match your current power level. Or, of course, you can continue re-rolling Adventure Mode. You keep everything you have unlocked so far on your character, so go nuts.

And there you go, now you know how long it takes to beat Remnant 2.

Why not check out our other Remnant 2 guides:

Remnant 2 | How to use Mutators
Remnant 2 | How to unlock a second Archetype
Remnant 2 | How to upgrade weapons
Remnant 2 | How to unlock the Summoner Archetype

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New Remnant 2 trailer reveals the Hunter Archetype Mon, 17 Jul 2023 17:33:14 +0000 Lock and load, hotshot

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Gunfire Games and Gearbox Publishing have today released a brand new trailer delving into the returning, reworked Hunter Archetype coming to Remnant 2. We’ve already been introduced to the Handler, Medic, Challenger, and Gunslinger, but the Hunter is the ideal Archetype for those who want to dish out damage and buff their teammates while staying out of trouble.

The trailer, shown below, takes a deep dive into the Archetype which has been retooled since its appearance in Remnant: From the Ashes. Hunters focus on long-range, precision with abilities that increase their fire rate, reload speed, accuracy, and ranged damage.

From a skill that marks all targets (even for your teammates) to outright invisibility, the Hunter is built for focused, sustained damage from the back of the crowd. It may not have the survivability of the Challenger, the healing skills of the Medic or the bestest boy companion of the Handler, but the Hunter brings the best ranged DPS of all classes, as well as a multitude of support skills and buffs.


In Remnant: From the Ashes, the Archetypes really only affected your starting gear and stats – in Remnant 2, Archetypes are essential elements that determine how you’ll fight your way through the apocalypse. From starting gear to Archetype Skills and Prime Perks, these classes will form the backbone of your builds.

CHECK IT OUT: Remnant: From the Ashes is still one of the most interesting Soulslikes we’ve had | Replayed

Given the wide variety of weapon types in Remnant: From the Ashes, we can expect some serious variety in Remnant 2, and the Hunter looks set to maximise damage output regardless of which guns you take out into the world to battle the Root.

Remnant 2 is set for release on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series S and X, and PC on July 22, 2023. You can pre-order now for access to the fifth starting Archetype, the Gunslinger. Check out the official Remnant 2 website for more details.

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Remnant: From the Ashes is still one of the most interesting Soulslikes we’ve had | Replayed Fri, 07 Jul 2023 16:00:56 +0000 Returnal.

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We’ve reached the point in the life cycle of the games industry where it’s rare to see anything truly innovative. And when you do so see something that feels brand new, it’s hard to predict what will permeate the cultural zeitgeist and what won’t. In a world where 2D Metroidvanias seem to fall with the rain, roughly every third game is a deck-builder, and fucking everything is a roguelite, it’s pretty easy to pinpoint which way the trends have been going for the last decade.

But while it took ages for people to start ripping off XCOM en masse, Mordor’s Nemesis System is still largely untouched, and we’re still waiting for a combat system that can out-Arkham Batman: Arkham Asylum, one innovation that took off like a rocket-propelled kangaroo was From Software’s particular brand of addictive self-flagellation. I refuse to use the term “masocore” in any way other than ironically, but the fact is people seem to like it when games hurt them –  as proven by every second game being a Soulslike.

This is something which I’m by turns both exhausted by and hugely grateful for, though, because without From Software’s Demon’s Souls we wouldn’t have eventually gotten Remnant: From the Ashes. Although, while Gunfire Games’ title certainly presents as a Soulslike, it remains one of the more original versions of the formula.

RePlayed: Remnant: From the Ashes

Root cause

Remnant: From the Ashes sets out its stall fairly early on. When your survivor finds his or herself in a dark, apocalyptic world, it’s made pretty clear that everything has gone to shit and it’s not planning a return visit any time soon. It’s a version of Earth ravaged by a trans-dimensional entity known only as the Root, which has spread its corruption throughout Earth and a handful of other worlds you’ll need to find your way into and out of throughout the campaign.

In trying to unlock the secrets of dimensional travel, humanity created the Dreamers, whose psychic powers opened doorways that allowed the Root to assault us and ultimately decimate our planet. What few survivors there are close to you reside in Ward 13, an underground bunker that also houses a huge crystal that not only allows fast travel but which also resurrects the fallen (and, of course, respawns all enemies throughout the world, natch). Your job is simple enough to understand but almost impossible to achieve: travel across dimensions, seek the source of the Root, and pluck it out once and for all.

This being a Soulslike, Remnant is fairly short on anything resembling meaty story beats. The closest you get to a real plot is when you meet various NPCs you’ll either aid or destroy, some of whom will give you a choice to make. Ultimately, this choice often boils down to whether or not you fancy another boss fight right now.

RePlayed: Remnant: From the Ashes

Remnant: From the Ashes Replayed: A vague tale

Of course, there are those who would argue that Remnant: From the Ashes doesn’t necessarily need a story. In many respects, most Soulslikes don’t need a story, but if you’re going to go the trouble of writing backstory and then hacking it down into flavour text, you might as well just give us it in the actual gameplay. Remnant does not do this, instead opting for a mix of incidental text, NPC dialogue, and environmental storytelling to get its point across.

Sadly though, this is why so much of it is confusing. And there will undoubtedly be people reading this who have played Remnant for ten hours a day for almost four years who’ll leap to the defence of its story and tell me its actually really rich and deep once you’ve read the description of every item umpteen times, beaten every boss, all the DLC, studied the Wiki, married and divorced one of the writers, and watched three-dozen YouTube videos explaining it all – but when it launched (and indeed for a while after), Remnant was as obtuse as Soulslikes come.

What was abundantly clear no matter how many times you played it, was that Remnant is not an easy-going game. It’s intentionally hard, deliberately unwelcoming to newcomers, and never gave much of a shit whether people liked it. Or at least, it always felt that way. Obviously Gunfire wanted people to buy it and play it, but there was an undeniable confidence to Remnant at launch that managed to be self-assured without being arrogant.

RePlayed: Remnant: From the Ashes

Always the quiet ones

It’s important to acknowledge how difficult that is to pull off, too. We’ve all seen hugely confident developers release games with the smug grin of a delusional pageant mum, only to meltdown in the exact same way when it turns out their only child has the same natural talent for entertainment as a hamster in a tumble dryer. It’s a far rarer beast when the developer is quietly confident, and then genuinely humble in the face of praise. Gunfire Games never even predicted Remnant would sell a million units – let alone the three million-plus it has now clocked up since launch – and so the success is all the sweeter.

A lot of its appeal stems from the fact that it was released as a complete experience, without an immediate announcement of DLC, without a cosmetic shop or an online component geared towards selling you things. Remnant launched with a full, multi-branching, semi-dynamic campaign, one that doesn’t always deliver the same encounters in the same order, but which always rewards exploration and perseverance.

Each of its four worlds feels different to the last, from the burned-out, nightmarish streets of the fallen Earth city wherein you begin, to the wind-blown deserts of Rhom and the festering swamps of Corsus. There’s an undeniable personality to everywhere you go, seen in the creative design of its creatures and monsters, in the visual details that help shore up the rickety narrative, in the atmosphere that groans through every gust of wind, creeps across every broken wall.

RePlayed: Remnant: From the Ashes

Remnant: From the Ashes replayed: Master blaster

Atmosphere will only get you so far, though, and sooner or later you’ve got to back up all these pretty sky-boxes with some actual gameplay. Thankfully, this is where Remnant: From the Ashes truly excels. From a worm’s-eye view, it’s a grungy third-person shooter that sees you traversing these decaying locales with a couple of guns, a melee weapon, and a backpack full of home-brewed potions and lotions to stave off the effects of bloodrot or radiation poisoning.

Examined more closely though, it’s not hard to see that Remnant’s appeal lies in the simple effectiveness of its brutal combat. You can equip two ranged weapons at a time, and every weapon can be equipped with a mod. In this world, magic is simply a thing, and so these mods can have a profound effect on your playstyle. From popping a healing fountain to imbuing your bullets with an element, or summoning a full-on demon Rottweiler that gets a buff when you ruffle the scruff of his steaming neck, there’s a mod for every occasion.

Hitting the attack button while aiming down sights will fire your equipped gun, while hitting it without the ADS will swing your melee weapon. It’s so ridiculously intuitive I can’t understand why more games aren’t doing it. You don’t need a dedicated melee button, and it makes every swing feel immediate. You don’t even have to think about it, as any enemy close enough to melee doesn’t require the precision of ADS at all. Also, it just feels so damn good. I’ll argue forever that Destiny 2 has the most satisfying “gun feel” of any shooter I’ve ever played, but Remnant comes incredibly close with some of its weapons, delivering an experience that never stops rewarding you just for blasting holes in demons.

RePlayed: Remnant: From the Ashes

An uncluttered apocalypse

Despite arguably being a weakness where story is concerned, Remnant’s simplicity remains its greatest strength in almost every other department. Even the multiplayer is user-friendly, allowing you to select a game to join, find your friends, or just leave your game open to the public. Story progression is locked to the host’s world, but you keep all the XP and loot you find when you return to your world.

Heading back to Ward 13 allows you upgrade your weapons and clothing, buy items, or improve your Dragon Heart – which is Remnant’s version of an Estus Flask. Here you can talk to NPCs to expand the lore, or take on side concerns to help the survivors, though don’t expect branching side missions that force you to backtrack around the world, killing ten of this or collecting five of that.

You will run some missions and areas multiple times if you engage in multiplayer a lot, but there’s an effortless likeability that stops Remnant: From the Ashes from feeling stale. If you do need a change of pace, the Swamps of Corsus DLC has a survival mode where you begin with basic gear and must stay alive as long as you can. It doesn’t add much to the core experience, but the gunplay is as crisp as ever.


Worth the risk

With the sequel, Remnant 2, landing oh-so-very soon, it may not be the best time to get into Remnant if you missed it first time for whatever reason, but I’d absolutely suggest that any Soulslike fan who hasn’t tried it really should. It’s not a game that stands out because it had a ridiculous budget, overblown marketing campaign, celebrity voice overs, or some kind of eye-rolling controversy. It’s a game that stands out simply because it’s bloody good.

It’s not always about how loud you bang your drum, or how much hype you pay to generate. On any even playing field the only guarantee of success is creating something to the best of your ability that people like. Any game that does anything new is a massive risk, but Gunfire Games managed to mitigate that risk by knowing when to chase trends and when to roll the dice on their own creativity.

Yes, Remnant will frustrate you at times; yes, you’ll get lost and wonder where the hell you’re meant to go roughly every nine-and-half minutes; and yes, the story is spread pretty damn thin (though you can always pick up the better-than-you-remember prequel Chronos: Before the Ashes if you want to fatten up the narrative), but despite all of this, Remnant: From the Ashes is still one of the most unique and interesting Soulslikes we’ve had for the last decade-and-a-half.

Excited for Remnant 2 after reading our replayed? Read our hands-on preview of Remnant 2. And come back soon for more replayed columns.

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Remnant 2 is going to be a huge hit with fans | Hands-on preview Mon, 12 Jun 2023 14:00:07 +0000 Phoenix from the Ashes.

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Gunfire Games’ Soulslike title Remnant: From The Ashes was a big hit back in 2019 with its skilful blend of gunplay, aptly described in a 9/10 write up as “if Bloodborne, Diablo, and Destiny had a baby”. Four years in gestation, I was lucky enough to be given the opportunity to jet across to beautiful Amsterdam and visit Gearbox to play the entertaining and hugely promising sequel, with several hours of hands-on gameplay and an interview with Gunfire and Remnant 2 director David Adams.

Remnant 2 places you in the role of human survivors plunged into a series of terrifying worlds, battling a nightmarish gallery of deadly beasts, deity-like bosses, and uncovering an absolutely mind blowing amount of secrets, hidden pathways, puzzles, and collectibles.

My adventure began in an almost The Last of Us fashion, after creating my avatar from a number of options, entering an underground area of a post-apocalyptic wasteland teeming with horrific alien goo, the air thick with gaseous spores. Pretty quickly the enemies appear and the gunplay kicks in, a mixture of furious ranged and melee combat with some tricky enemy movement and attack patterns and sense of claustrophobia.

Remnant 2 is going to be a huge hit with fans | Hands-on preview

Once through the opening sequence, I was able to enter a safe zone which doubles up as the main hub for the game. With plenty of storyline-advancing characters, you are then drip-fed the various abilities, vendors, and skills trees that enable you to go properly equipped in the many biomes that you will have to fight your way through. There are multiple classes (or Archetypes) to choose from depending on how you fancy experiencing the game, or building an effective team if playing in multiplayer. Each of these has their own custom gear, three bespoke weapons and their own signature special move or Trait. Best of all, each of the Archetypes have their own completely unique skills and perks with progression unlocked by levelling up.

There are five types of perks on offer. Prime affects the core fundamentals of your Archetype style; Damage does what it says on the tin; Team affects your whole party; Utility gives tech boosts, whilst Relic alters the function of using an in-game Relic item.

The Archetypes are all really varied. Gunslinger is, quite obviously, a weapons expert with a bunch of perks that are based around the use of ordnance, such as temporary infinite ammo, being able to reload faster, and even sharing the love amongst your team with the Posse Up perk that gives you pals increased ammo pickup percentages.

Remnant 2 is going to be a huge hit with fans | Hands-on preview

Challenger is the resident tank class, with some crazy perks that enable such delights as being able to literally survive death, and generate enough brute force and power that they are comfortably the most potentially deadly of the Archetypes, with an equal ability to become surprisingly damage resistant.

Handler was always was the Archetype I enjoyed playing with the most. A support class that employs a canine pal to perform all manner of functions, whether that is distracting enemies, reviving you and your team mates, or using intimidation tactics to scare foes and increase damage. The dog follows you everywhere with all the growling, whimpering and dog-related sounds constantly ringing in your ears. It’s great fun.

The procedurally generated worlds are bonkers. You will traverse dizzying climbs through Imperial Gardens, carve a way through dense jungles, and enter creepy dusty catacombs. There are some superb stylistic choices with clear influences from works of fantasy and sci-fi, including Fey mythology, faeries and the likes of Nimue – better known as the Lady of the Lake from Arthurian legend. There are multiple nods to Guillermo Del Toro’s masterpiece Pan’s Labyrinth, but also demonic bosses that were seemingly plucked straight from Hell. I was particularly blown away by the multi-phase Legion boss which needs to be seen to be believed. There are so many secrets and paths to seek and explore. Every single playthrough can present brand new scenarios, puzzles, gear, and nooks and crannies to explore.

Remnant 2 is going to be a huge hit with fans | Hands-on preview

I enjoyed playing through the game solo, but I have to say Remnant 2 really comes into its own in multiplayer. Working as a team feels fun the same way as I enjoyed the camaraderie of Left 4 Dead back in the day, with the different Archetypes enabling you to strike a balance between carnage and support. You can enter into another gamer’s run-through and ostensibly snaffle up items and meet storyline challenges and puzzles that you would be unable to encounter in your own run.

Everything is bigger and better in Remnant 2, with increased verticality, larger worlds, more biodiversity, and near endless replayability promised. The gunplay and movement is much improved from the original, and the flora and fauna (and robots) that you have to take down are more fantastical, bigger, badder and more challenging than ever. The feel of combat and the physics engine are tangible, with your avatar being regularly thrown around balletically by explosions and attacks, and there’s a lovely meaty feel to the shooting and melee attacks. It is also hugely challenging and the huge amount of gear and items to find, as well as the diverse skills you can unlock, mean that this is going to be a compulsive and addictive proposition. Just be careful with the Hardcore mode. I watched a few other bods playing on this setting and it looks underpant-soilingly nails.

It was real pleasure to play this arcane belter and it is immediately apparent just from one day with it that this is going to be a huge hit with fans of the original, and will ensnare plenty of new fans too – myself included.


Remnant 2 is coming to PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series S|X on July 25th. Impressions based on hands-on time in Amsterdam, flights and accommodation were paid for by Gearbox.

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Remnant 2 David Adams interview: “Even though it is randomised, every act in the game is handcrafted” Mon, 12 Jun 2023 14:00:00 +0000 “It’s definitely cool in co-op”

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It isn’t every day you get a chance to speak to someone with a CV like David Adams of Gunfire Games, the Austin, TX based veteran designer of the classic Darksiders series, not to mention ace action RPG shooter Remnant: From the Ashes, which scooped a handsome 9/10 review score on this very site. And that brings me to the reason I ended up in the swanky Gearbox offices in Amsterdam, where not only did I get a hands-on with the hugely enjoyable Remnant 2, but a chat with the affable Texan.

The first thing I wanted to find out, perhaps a tad selfishly, was how Adams would sell this one to someone not particularly au-fait with the kind of Souls-like, procedurally generated action it contains.

“I think that what I like about the game, is it kind of combines two things. If you like really good action games, with cool, fantastic enemies, then it definitely delivers on that front. There is a lot of really tight action, and it is a lot of fun in co-op. It is also a really good exploration game. There are a lot of secrets hidden in the world, and the world is randomised – you may have noticed that some people (gestures towards the room of media playing the game) have different worlds that they are playing in, even from the get go!”

Remnant 2 David Adams interview: "Even though it is randomised, every act in the game is handcrafted"

Fresh from playing the game for a solid hour, one of the things I noticed were the epic and at times quite disturbing boss fights. I told our Dave that I was a big fan of confronting any kind of vile, Lovecraftian beasts. “So are we!” was his immediate retort. Which led me to ask just what kind of stuff had influenced the production of the game.

“Well, one of the cool things is the game structure. We can explore different worlds. One of the worlds is inspired by Pan’s Labyrinth”- I immediately had to stop him there, as Del Toro’s horror fantasy masterpiece is among my favourite movies of all time, and I had clocked a decidedly fawn-like character early doors. “It was definitely an influence. There is another world inspired by Victorian England, and Fey mythology. One of the NPCs is Nimue, who is better known as the Lady of the Lake. In the first game we had a stage that was a mixture of Dune and Mad Max.”

Remnant 2 David Adams interview: "Even though it is randomised, every act in the game is handcrafted"

In terms of what games the Remnant 2 team themselves like to play, it seems we have a bit in common not just movies-wise but in video games too. “I like adventure games. I like Zelda. As you can see from Darksiders which is basically a Zelda game. I love Elden Ring, the Souls games, any game with any sense of exploration. I love Fallout, again because it is a world I can explore and find cool stuff in.”

Going back to the matter at hand, Remnant II is procedurally generated, which means that no two playthroughs will be the same, and ostensibly you could play for weeks before there is any real noticeable repetition. “I like to call it random reshuffle”, Adams reveals. “Even though it is randomised, every act in the game is handcrafted. I think sometimes that procedurally generated games can sometimes start to get really repetitive, because it really is very algorithmic. But in this case all of the little chunks have been handcrafted. NPCs, bosses and major points of interest you encounter – what the system does is sort of rearranges it all. Even the storylines, and the route through the storyline is changed! Even if two people both went to the same world, for example you both went to the jungle world, you may encounter two entirely different storylines just within that world.”

Remnant 2 David Adams interview

Like most people of my age, I dabbled with online gaming, but have FPS-fan kids, and the excellent co-op capabilities of Remnant 2 offers me the chance to dip my toe back in, as my kids and friends would love this one. “It’s definitely cool in co-op” David enthused. “All the items in the game are randomised, there are a ton of secrets, and although it comes across as a straightforward action game on the surface, there are plenty of opportunities to go off the beaten path. So if you are playing with someone else – such as one of your kids, you have an incentive to enter their world, as there may be loads of items and secrets in there that you may not be able to get in your game. It is a really fun multiplayer experience, as you can jump into someone else’s game and you get a completely different set of things!”

Adams explained that “We are right at the end now, I mean, Summer is the plan and I think we are going to announce the release date soon”, and he seemed genuinely pleased that I went away looking forward to play more.


Remnant 2 is coming to PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series S|X on July 25th. Impressions and interview based on hands-on time in Amsterdam, flights and accommodation were paid for by Gearbox.

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Remnant 2 trailer reveals more about the Handler archetype Tue, 18 Apr 2023 18:30:59 +0000 Can you Handle this?

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Gearbox Publishing and Gunfire Games today released a new video showcasing the skills and abilities of the recently announced Handler Archetype class in their upcoming action-survival shooter title, Remnant 2. The Handler Archetype specializes in canine combat and teamwork to take down any threat that stands in their way. Players can mobilize their faithful dog companion to attack enemies and distract enemies when things get a bit too hectic. The Handler’s Prime Perk allows their companion to revive them or their teammates, while their Archetype Trait reduces all friendly fire done to all allies and themselves.

You can check out the reveal trailer for the Remnant 2 Handler archetype below:


Remnant 2 aims to plunge players deep into a devastated world. You’ll be required to master a mix of ranged and melee combat against cunning enemies and bosses. You can enter the fray as a lone-wolf or even the odds by teaming up with two friends to overcome the challenge. Each time players start a new playthrough of Remnant 2, they will be brought into a new world built from a wide pool of locations, enemies, NPCs, bosses, and weapons. These dynamically built levels allow for unique experiences as elements are woven organically into the world and narrative.

The newly-revealed Handler archetype that you can see in the above trailer is just one of many you’ll be able to play in Remnant 2. This sequel promises an updated Archetype system that gives players more flexibility in their play style and lets groups better sync unique passive abilities and stunning powers together in co-op play. Multiple Archetypes can be unlocked, leveled up, and equipped together. The intention is for a much broader experience, with more variety in play styles encouraged as you play the game.

Remnant 2 launches on PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S in Summer 2023.

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Gunfire Games shows off 9 minutes of Remnant 2 gameplay Fri, 24 Mar 2023 13:58:49 +0000 Gunslinger, Handler, Challenger.

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Developer Gunfire Games has revealed 9 minutes of Remnant 2 gameplay, showing off the Gunslinger, Handler, and Challenger: three of the archetypes on offer within the game.

The original game, Remnant: From the Ashes has just been released on Nintendo Switch (and we’ll have a review of that soon-ish), but having played the original on PC, it’s pretty clear that one of the commenters on the YouTube video could be spot on, saying “It literally looks like a much improved version of the first game”, which is probably pretty much what fans wanted.

It certainly looks faster-paced than the first game, and you can check out the video of a very “red” looking game for yourself, below:


Remnant 2 is the sequel to the best-selling game Remnant: From the Ashes that pits survivors of humanity against new deadly creatures and god-like bosses across terrifying worlds. Play solo or co-op with two other friends to explore the depths of the unknown to stop an evil from destroying reality itself. To succeed, players will need to rely on their own skills and those of their team to overcome the toughest challenges and to stave off humanity’s extinction.

A mix of methodical and frenetic ranged/melee combat returns with cunning enemies and large scale boss battles. Choose specific gear and weapons to optimize for the different biomes and battles ahead. Bosses will bring high-level players to team up to overcome the challenge and try to obtain the biggest rewards.

The gameplay is apparently from a pre-alpha build, so it may not be due for release any time soon (later this year, we’d guess), but you can see AI companions on display, as the protagonist seems to have a dog that can attack enemies for you as well. And yes, you can pet the dog, it seems.

Remnant is a co-op series, so it’s hard to tell if the dog is instead of a real-world co-op partner. A later boss fight shows some, we’d assume, placeholder user interface stuff, too, telling the player they can assign some points after getting them. There’s more info in the YouTube description, as follows:

Players can travel alone or with friends as a team through strange new worlds and beyond, overrun by mythical creatures and deadly foes while trying to stay alive. There are multiple worlds to explore with different types of creatures, weapons, and items. Utilize and upgrade discovered items to take on tougher challenges.

Branching quest lines, augments, crafting, and loot rewards will test the resolve of even the most hardened players in dynamically generated dungeons and areas. Playthroughs will feel challenging, varied, and rewarding as players succeed against unrelenting odds. Various stories are woven throughout the different worlds, encouraging exploration and multiple revisits.

Expanded Archetype system provides players with unique passive bonuses and stunning powers. Multiple Archetypes can be unlocked during play, levelled up, and equipped together for a variety of play styles.

There’s no release date for Remnant 2 yet, but it’ll be coming to PC (Steam), as well as PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series S|X.

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